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Thinkpad X330

I am a very happy user of a X330 for almost a year now, and I would like to share my thoughts with you.

2024-01-04 | 6 minutes reading | tags: Minimalism, Laptop

Is OpenBSD for you?

This blog post is a step by step wizard for those who think about using OpenBSD as a primary OS and daily driver, but don't know if it meets the requirements. I am trying to focus on desktop/laptop use in this case. First thing most people would probably ask is, if they will be able to run their current personal setup after migrating to OpenBSD, or at least, if there is a working alternative for those apps/functionalities which are not available. So here is the software and hardware list of things you need to consider.

2023-03-13 | 6 minutes reading | tags: OpenBSD, Laptop

How to optimize performance on desktop OpenBSD

If there is something I don't like on OpenBSD, then it is lack of information when it comes to problem solving. The main reason, of course, is the size of the OpenBSD community. But even when I try to target the community on the main communication channels like IRC, or Mastodon, I often don't get the answer I am looking for. Therefore, I decided to do it another way. Research the topic, make a blog post, publish it and let people only comment on what is wrong and what is missing. For most people, it is more fun to correct someone, than to prepare the full response to the question.

2023-03-10 | 6 minutes reading | tags: OpenBSD, Laptop

My first year with OpenBSD

Last year in March, I made another review of OpenBSD and finally decided to migrate from Linux. At least in the case of my servers. But somehow I stuck with it on my personal laptop too, thanks to a lucky coincidence. Here is my migration story and my 5 cents about using OpenBSD as a daily driver on all my personal machines.

2022-08-08 | 5 minutes reading | tags: OpenBSD, Laptop, VPS, Self-host

Finally ready to leave ThinkPad family

After almost 20 years of using Thinkpads, I feel ready to leave this family. I took some effort and focus. It came as a side effect really. But I am very happy for it.

2021-06-02 | 5 minutes reading | tags: Personal, Laptop, Thinkpad, Minimalism